8 Beauty Treatments That Are A Total Scam (And What To Buy Instead)

How can somebody tell which beauty treatments are legit and which are a waste of money at best—and potentially harmful at worst? Here are the need-to-knows about stretch mark creams, sheet masks, at-home derma rollers, and more.

Can Science Stop Aging? A Look At The Strange Science Of Senolytics

Could senolytics add decades to the human lifespan? Here's a look at the newest development in anti-aging science.

Busting Prenatal Ultrasound Myths: What to Know Before You Go

Sonograms are said to create sound "as loud as a subway train" from a fetus's perspective. We looked into the science.

Drinking “Raw” Water? Read This First.

The raw water movement seems like a great way to get back to nature...until your stomach starts rumbling.

Recognizing 4 Common Signs of Borderline Personality Disorder (And What To Do Next)

When you're unable to regulate your emotions, every relationship eventually explodes. Here's how to recognize the signs of BPD.

The Boy Scouts Are Allowing Girls, But Is There Such A Thing As Too Much Inclusivity?

Should certain groups restrict membership to only girls or only boys? The science is complex, but fascinating.

Mr. Right (Enough): What Does It Mean To Settle?

That perfect soulmate might never come along...but that's not necessarily bad news. Here's why settling sometimes makes perfect sense.

The Problem With YouTube: Protecting Kids From A Bizarre, Dangerous Trend

YouTube contains a surprising number of shocking, bizarre videos...created and marketed directly to children. Here's what parents should know.

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