Changing Just 5 Things About the Way I Eat Made a Huge Difference

I love food; the more salt, fat and calories the better! So is it actually possible to trick myself into eating healthier?

How To Survive Your First Yoga Class

Nothing is more embarrassing than making a fool out of yourself at your first yoga class. It takes some practice to fit in with the pros, but disasters can be prevented.

The Apple Watch Is Helping Me Add Seven Years to My Life

Like it or not, the Apple Watch is here to stay. Luckily for its fans, the health benefits are more than worth the money.

I Used To Think Yoga Was An Excuse For Naps

Don't let the squishy mats and calming music fool you; yoga is not for the weak of mind, or body. It may not be a competitive sport, but it's one serious workout.

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