Chia Seeds: Runner’s Oldest And Best Friend?

Chia seeds are an ancient super food touted as the endurance fuel source of the Tarahumara running tribe of Mexico. This tiny seed has been adapted by modern runners hoping to receive the same endurance benefits. But will chia actually improve your run?

Are You Over-Posting Your Workouts On Social Media?

You dragged yourself to the gym and put your everythinginto a killer, record-breaking workout. Now you want to scream it from therooftops and post astatus update declaring your accomplishment to the world. Is it worth posting?

Long Run Recovery: Things to Do Before You Hit the Couch

Let's face it: the long run workout of distance race training is exhausting. But before you rest those feet, here are a few tips for setting yourself up for the best possible chance at recovery.

To Ice Bath Or Not To Ice Bath: That Is The Cold Question

An ice bath is typically the act of a runner submerging themselves, usually still fully clothed almost immediately post run, into a bathtub full of ice and ice cold water. Yes, it's as miserable and as painful as it sounds.

Music & Marathons: Is It Worth the Risk?

Our society is completely plugged in these days. One of the big "hot debates" in the running community is whether or not runners should run with ear buds, listening to music as they cover their miles.

What’s the Deal With Compression Socks?

Stand at the finish line of any running race and you will likely see countless runners wearing knee high socks or leg sleeves. Believe it or not, those socks actually serve a purpose...and it's not simply to make a fashion statement.

Am I Ready To Run Farther?

The list of problems that plague runners is long and somewhat trivial. Up there among blisters, an uncharged GPS battery, and thighs chafing, is the very real condition of "FOMO," or fear of missing out.

Dear New Running Mom (Hitting the Road Running with Baby)

These early days of running with your sweet baby in the stroller will be memories that one day you will truly cherish, so make sure you are taking the right steps to get your running relationship together off on the right foot...literally!

Heather Gannoe