Qualifying Races: Prestigious Or Elitist?

In the running community, we are our own best cheerleaders and our own worst critics. Can we celebrate both ends of the running spectrum?

Essential Gear For Running While Pregnant

Physicians and experts alike agree that for most women, pregnancy doesn't have to equal a temporary end to their running careers. But with pregnancy come a number of physical changes that can affect—or be affected by—your running.

Five Reasons To Run A Relay Race

Multiple friends. Countless miles. A smelly van. What's not to love about relay races?

Fastpacking: For Runners Without Limits

Are you a trail runner who hates to be constrained by time or distance on your adventures? Or are you a hiker who wishes you could cover the trail even faster? If you answered "yes," then fastpacking might be for you.

What Your Running Socks Say About You

Did you know that you can tell what type of runner a person is by looking at their socks? It's true. Here are seven examples.

Running Foot Care 101

Just like the tires on a race car, your feet are the part of your body that comes in contact with the ground while you're running, and therefore can take an incredible beating. Here's how to keep your feet in tip­-top ­racing shape.

On The Run: What To Do When Animals Attack

Animal attacks can be as entertaining as being chased by an angry mother duck or as terrifying as being mauled by a bear...and everything in between.

New Runners: How To Pick A Race Time Goal

You've signed up for your first race, now you've got to pick a training plan. But how do you pick a finish time goal to aim for?

Heather Gannoe