Mastering The Minimalist Workout

It’s time to apply the principles of minimalism to our exercise routines. You got it—simplicity is key!

3 Lessons I Learned From Competitive Bodybuilding

What happens behind the scenes of a bodybuilding competition? When the glitz, glam, and perfect physiques are put away, a few important lessons remain.

I’m With The Band: Mastering Resistance Band Workouts

Band work is suitable for every skill level. It’s also completely portable, versatile, and easy to use at home or on the go.

How To Staycation At Home And Leave The Rest Of The World Behind

Need a breather without the stress of traveling out of town? Lucky for you, your home can be made into the setting for a perfectly serene staycation!

Channel Your Inner Olympian With This Winter Games–Inspired Workout

As we gear up to support the 2018 Olympic team, why not tap into their fire and allow them to support you? We have some major motivation from a host of athletes to help us bring our best this season!

Kettlebell Exercises: Are They The Missing Staple In Your Workout Routine?

Kettlebell training is a rising star in the world of fitness—and for good reason considering the impressive strength and conditioning outcomes you can earn in a 30-minute sesh.

4 Thought Patterns That Could Be Sabotaging Your Fitness Goals

Learn how emotional well-being, healthy ways of relating to others, and spicing it up can boost your compliance with your fitness regimen.

Winter Running 101: Braving The Elements

Winter running isn’t just for fanatics. With our guide offering a few tips and tricks, you may find yourself happily (and safely) gallivanting through blustery snowfalls.

Lauren Bondi

Lauren is your average (not-so-average) multipotentialite with a drive for anything authentic. Her passion for elevating the lives of others has steered her toward serving up lessons on self-love and wholesome living. Mixing this fire with a desire to understand the science behind her passions, we have a woman who’s comfortable nerding out to explain why love is so crucial to our existence as human beings and why superfoods are truly pretty super. As she gears up to start pursuing her doctoral degree in clinical psychology, she—of course—is happily juggling a few more things. She’s one of our contributing writers whose free spirit calls her to some time spent blogging, personal training, nutrition counseling, and relentlessly light-working. Boxes? Those don’t exist with this one.