Cliffnotes for GMOs: What You Need to Know in 800 Words or Less

Some people may wonder what's in the food they're eating, but when it comes to GMOs we have to ask: do the companies who make these genetically engineered foods even know?

Fishy Business: What’s Really In Your Fish Oil Supplement?

Could fish oil supplements be the secret to living a long and healthy life or are their risks and side effects too serious to ignore?

Is Agave Syrup the Nectar of the Gods?

Agave has made quite the stir since its introduction into American kitchens twenty plus years ago. Has it earned its place at the dinner table, so to speak, or is it time to kick it to the curb?

The Fool-Proof Guide For A Healthy Thanksgiving Without Changing Tradition

How do you honor holiday food traditions without completely derailing the work you've done to reach your health goals? It's easy! Here's my secret...

My Beef With The Beef Industry: What’s The Deal With Grass-Fed?

You spot a package of ground-beef that is labeled "grass-fed," and it costs three times more. But wait, you think...aren't all cows grass-fed? What's going on?

The Brutally Honest Truth About Red And Processed Meats

Are red and processed meats killing us all? How melodramatic, but is it true? Read on for a no-nonsense evaluation of the WHO's latest findings.

Crazy For Coconut Oil, Or Just Plain Crazy?

Fats are making a well-deserved comeback in the Western diet, and coconut oil seems to be the darling fat of the decade. Is its place at the top deserved?

Sending Out An S.O.S.: Do You Turn to Vitamin C In A Cold & Flu Emergency?

You're sniffling and sneezing, so naturally, you reach for your trusty vitamin C supplement or a good, old-fashioned glass of orange juice. It's common knowledge that vitamin C helps with colds...or is it?

Jessica Serdikoff