New Year Awakening

January 1 often gets overlooked. It can actually be a very sacred day that marks the transition into a new year. With our busy lives we don't get many opportunities to have an awakened moment, so why not use the first day of 2016 as an awakening?

5 Ways To Process The Pain Of Paris

There's heaviness in the air stemming from the recent bouts of violence we've all been witnessing. It is essential for the healing of psyches to process the feelings that surface when our safety is threatened and lives are lost due to senseless brutality.

Do New Year’s Resolutions Work?

As the new year approaches, you are probably getting closer to setting some resolutions for 2016. Goals and intentions are often beneficial in helping us improve how we're living and feeling, but does setting resolutions really work?

Is Egg Freezing A Good Option For Women?

Modern science has given women the opportunity to expand their fertility window, but is the procedure worth the investment of mind, body and spirit? Statistics show promising results while women tread the murky waters of prolonging procreation.

Practicing Gratitude With a Broken Heart

It's normal to close your heart as a protection mechanism against further pain, but a closed heart makes it much harder to see the things or people in your life that are good.

Should We Treat the Environmental Crisis as a Mental Health Crisis?

We experience the erosion of our earth and the resources it provides on a daily basis, but are we considering the impact these changes have on our mental health?

Should You Disclose An Affair?

30% to 60% of all married couples will engage in some form of infidelity. With this staggering statistic, we have to wonder how beneficial it is to disclose an affair to an unknowing spouse even if the consequences are great.

5 Healthy Practices for Technology Overload

The age of technology is here to stay. None of us are willing to live without our phones for more than a few hours, and the people who are brave enough to do a "detox" for longer have been known to cry as part of the process.

Dr. Andra Brosh