Making Sacrifices To Lose Weight: Are They Worth It?

Most people shy away from activities that require sacrificing comfort, safety, or money. But for planned weight loss, you’ve got to make some sacrifices to be successful. The question is: Are those sacrifices worth it?

Is Losing One Pound Cause For Celebration?

Losing a pound is cause for celebration when you're dieting—or is it? If you are dieting and drop a pound, make sure that pound is really gone before you celebrate too much.

A Total Lifestyle Makeover: You Don’t Lose Weight In A Bubble

Losing weight isn't done in a bubble. To successfully lose weight and keep it off, you must look at the weight loss experience in relation to the whole of your life.

Will A Weight Loss Challenge Work For You?

Weight loss challenges are popular on the internet and in real life. Before you say, “Sign me up,” think about whether your personality and goals are a good fit for the challenge you are interested in.

Fooling Yourself: Common Tricks That Lead To Cheating On Your Diet

You might have a secret food stash in your drawer, shove chocolate in your mouth when no one is looking, or frequent fast food restaurants on the sly. Whatever your method is, the only person you are cheating is yourself.

Fighting Food Resentment: Don’t Be Mad At Food

I used to be mad at food because food made me fat. The truth was that food didn’t make me fat but eating too much food did. If you are fighting food resentment and trying to lose weight, here’s how to stop being mad at food.

Accepting Genetics Without Excusing Obesity

If you struggle to continue trying to lose weight because of media messages that say obesity doesn’t matter, I encourage you to be your own person and do what is best for your long-term health.

8 Reasons Why You Can’t Commit To Weight Loss

Weight loss isn't something you can just take or leave. If you are really serious about losing weight, you've got to make a commitment to the process and yourself.

Diane Carbonell