7 Ways To Get Your Kids To Buy Into Healthy Eating

Kids are wonderful, but boy can they be particular about food, especially if you are trying to change the types of foods they eat. If you're a parent who's trying to lose weight, here are seven ways to get your kids to buy into healthy eating.

Turn Off The Shame Of Weight Regain And Focus on You

If you have gained weight or regained weight that you have previously lost, it’s time to turn off the shame and focus on yourself. When you have positive feelings about yourself, losing weight becomes easier and more attainable.

Pantry Makeover: Organizing Your Way Through Weight Loss

If your pantry is disorganized and full of foods that aren’t helping you lose weight, it’s time for a change. Use these practical steps to get your pantry organized so all the foods in your pantry help you lose weight and get healthy.

Changing Perspective For Weight Loss Success

It’s easy to get tunnel vision when you are losing weight. All you can see is that magic number on the scale that signals you are done losing weight. But simply focusing on the end number rather than the process of losing weight may backfire.

Exercise-Induced Munchies: How Not To Blow Your Diet After Working Out

Do you find that you are super hungry after exercising and want to eat everything in sight? That’s exercise-induced munchies. The last thing you want to do when trying to lose weight is blow your diet by overeating because you are exercising.

8 Lessons Learned During A Calorie-Counting Trial

If you are having a hard time losing weight, you really should try counting calories. Give yourself a two-week calorie-counting trial; you might be surprised at the valuable lessons you will learn about weight loss.

Deconstructing The Military Diet

Have you heard of the military diet? It's a fad diet that comes and goes in popularity. Curious about whether it delivers? Read on to find out!

Is Scheduled Eating Backfiring On You?

Eating on a schedule is a common weight loss trick. But does it work? For some people, eating every few hours can backfire and cause your weight loss to slow down or even stall.

Diane Carbonell