7 Bizarre Ways The Human Body Is Used

There might be times that you're out of candles. But you still have earwax, don't you?

8 Signs Of Infertility That Most Women Ignore

You may have accepted your weird period woes as normal, but they may be anything but.

8 Untrue “Facts” About The Human Body That Everyone Still Believes

Your parents probably told you not to swallow your gum just to take a little more fun out of your childhood.

8 Beauty Trends In America That Seem Weird To Other Cultures

Beauty trends come and go, and people in other countries wish that some of ours would go away a little faster.

Tongue Rolling And 5 Other Oversimplified Genetic Traits

Think rolling your tongue is all in the genes? Think again—it’s actually a little more complicated than you might think.

6 Healthy Habits With Huge Downsides Nobody Talks About

You’re taking steps toward health, and your Fitbit might not even be tracking them all.

9 Signs Of Liver Damage That Shouldn’t Be Ignored

Liver damage is more common than you think, and the signs aren't always glaring.

Here Are The Proper Sleeping Positions During Pregnancy

Forget tossing and turning—these tips can help you get the restful night’s sleep you’ve always dreamed of while pregnant.

Megan Senseney