The Surf Board That Will Get You Fit, No Beach (Or Sharks!) Required

Could your workout routine use a little shaking up? This innovative surf-inspired workout is fun, intense, and fully customizable to any fitness level and goal. I'm officially obsessed.

Moooove Over, Skim Milk: There’s A New Dairy In Town

Have you heard the exciting news?! Butter is back! Whole milk is healthier! But...wait a it really?

Protein, Protein, Everywhere, But How Much Should We Eat?

It seems like everyone is worried about protein these days. But do we need to focus on getting more, or are we already getting enough without even trying?

Looking Beyond The Scale: Did Weight Watchers Hit The Nail On The Head?

How many of you are sick and tired of fixating on the number on the bathroom scale? Enter the new Weight Watchers program Beyond the Scale.

Will You Be Your Own Valentine This Year? Here’s Why You Should.

Valentine's Day isn't just about showering the ones you love with affection. There's someone much more important out there deserving of a little TLC: you!

Are You Veggie Skeptic? Here, Try This Gadget!

People all over are hopping on the veggie spiralizer bandwagon, making spaghetti-like strands out of all kinds of vegetables. Is this a promising new development in the world of vegetable consumption, or is this trend spiraling out of control?

Stop Saying “Everything In Moderation”

They say that all foods fit, but is your use of the phrase "everything in moderation" doing more harm than good?

On Debunking The Detox And Revitalizing Your Diet Without One

Which is ultimately more toxic: those Christmas cookies you polished off last month, or all of the detoxes and cleanses that claim to absolve you of them?

Jessica Serdikoff