Awesome Employee Incentive Programs for Healthier Living

With obesity rates in America holding steady at30 percent, employers should look toward helping their employees get healthier by offering incentive programs. Here are five awesome programs that are easy to implement and sure to please.

Vending Machine Foods to Avoid Like the Plague

Vending machine food is incompatible with most weight loss plans. Here are eight vending machine foods to avoid like the plague for your health and your weight.

Why Weight Loss Is Not A Cure-All

Expecting a perfect life after you lose weight is common, but there are other considerations to think about when you are in the process of losing weight to ensure you are pleased and satisfied with yourself and your life once you reach your goal weight.

Hazards Ahead: How To Prepare For The Holidays

Holidays are never easy for the dieter. In fact, the holidays can feel like a hazard zone. Diane shares the importance of mental and concrete preparation to navigate the holidays without gaining weight.

The Whole30 Diet: Is It All You Need to Lose Weight?

The popular Whole30 diet is a strict diet that avoids processed foods completely. But is it a good choice for you if you are trying to lose weight? Here are some of the benefits and downsides of the plan when it comes to weight loss.

10 “One-Spoonful” Hacks To Help You Lose Weight

A spoonful of food won't make or break your diet, but some spoonfuls are better than others.

Could It Be True? Playing Tetris To Lose Weight?

If you like video games, want to lose weight, and need some help reducing cravings, here are a few techniques to use Tetris as a tool to lose weight.

The Triple Threat: Three Reasons for Obesity and How to Overcome Them

The obesity problem in America is not going away anytime soon. A recent report published in a 2015 issue of the "JAMA Internal Medicine" found for the first time that more Americans are obese than are overweight. That's something to be concerned about.

Diane Carbonell