Will Weight Loss Surgery Fix Your Life?

In a lot of ways, the process to lose weight after surgery is similar to losing weight without surgery. Both require diligence to food choices, exercise, reducing portion sizes, and addressing the emotional component of weight issues.

Should Fasting Be Part of Your Weight Loss Strategy?

Fasting can be a positive experience for weight loss provided you do it carefully and deliberately. If you are interested in adding fasting to your weight loss, learn whether fasting should be part of your weight loss strategy.

Why Does It Feel Hard to Eat Healthy When Losing Weight?

You know you should eat healthy foods when losing weight but that can be difficult. Learn why it feels hard to eat healthy when losing weight and what to do about it.

5 Crazy Things That Happen When You Eliminate Bread From Your Diet

Giving up bread and bread products to lose weight is a popular choice. Learn five things that happen to your body and your weight when you eliminate bread from your diet.

How Cinnamon Can Aid In Your Weight Loss Goals

Cinnamon has been a popular spice for centuries, but only recently has it been identified as good for weight loss. In this article, Diane shares why cinnamon works for weight loss and gives practical tips on including it in your diet.

Get Rid Of Belly Bloating For Good

Belly bloat can happen to anyone. Fortunately, there are some simple solutions to get rid of belly bloating for good. Read how these easy changes can leave you feeling and looking slimmer around the middle.

Tomorrow is Too Late to Start Your Diet: Start Right Now

There is an old saying that tomorrow holds the promise of a new start. However, you have to start for that saying to hold true.

Dessert With Breakfast? Yes, Please.

As incomprehensible as it seems, you can eat dessert with your breakfast and still lose weight. Eating dessert in the morning can help you feel satisfied, control cravings, and avoid binge eating.

Diane Carbonell