When The Dangers of Drowning Follow Your Kid Out of the Pool

Dry drowning. It sounds terrifying like it has to be a work of fiction, but recently dry drowning has been a buzzword that's circulated through mom groups and Facebook posts. What exactly is it and how can you safeguard your child against it?

What You’re Thinking Right Now May Be Chipping Away At Your Health

Have you ever noticed that when you get mega stressed you begin to feel a migraine coming on or sometimes you'll receive an onslaught of stomach cramps? Well, holistic therapists believe that your emotions may fuel your bodily aches and pains.

Want To Lose Weight? Putting Some Money On It Could Help

90 to 98 percent of dieters fail to lose—and keep off—those extra pounds. So what can we do to help overweight people get healthier? Pull out your wallet and let's find out.

How 3D Printing Is Revolutionizing The Medical Field

3D printers can now print almost anything you can imagine using gold, silver, chocolate, wax, ceramics, and even animal- and human cells. These last bits--the cells--have the potential to quite literally change the world we live in.

Don’t Flush! Take The “Plunge” on Saving Our Environment

Next time you reach for that handle on your abode you may want to rethink. What exactly is that cat food doing down there in the sewer systems, and how is this going to ultimately affect our environment ?

Dominating the Lunch Break Workout

Tips for exercising during your workday and maintaining that runway glow--even after the sweat and shower!

Unearthing Urban Rooftop Farming

The feel of cool soil beneath your hands, the fresh scent of herbs, and the warm heat of the sun are perks most gardeners relish. Some people in the city lament the loss of agriculture, but this latest movement is bringing nature back home.

When I Stopped My Phone Affair I Got The Best Sleep I’ve Had In Years

It may be difficult to do anything without your cellphone these days, but when it comes to a good night's sleep, you may be better off just giving your phone a rest as well.

Staff Writer