How Much Vitamin D Do You Really Need?

Vitamin D plays a role in the inner workings of nearly every system in our bodies. As a result, supplementing with vitamin D has become common practice. But is it necessary?

10 Ways To Mindfully Engage In Your Daily Life

Mindfulness is the idea that you spend as much time as possible living in the now. Life can only truly be lived in the present moment because you can’t change the past and you can’t predict what will happen in the future.

6 Ways To Relieve Anxiety Without Medication

Anxiety can be a painful experience, especially when it takes over your life. But a number of alternative therapies and simple lifestyle changes can help alleviate and reduce your symptoms.

What’s Energy Healing, And Does It Actually Work?

Do you have self-limiting thoughts? Are you depressed, anxious, or otherwise out of sorts? Energy healing could be just what the doctor ordered.

How To Choose High-Quality Supplements

What's really in your supplements? What does science say about an herb's effectiveness? And what should you look for in a multivitamin?

How To Choose The Right Yoga For Your Personality

Yoga has numerous benefits, but it can be hard to choose which form is best for you. Are you looking for a workout? Or would you rather learn to touch your toes? Maybe you're looking to connect with something bigger than yourself or just quiet the mind.

Are Vegetarian Sources Of Iron As Good As Animal Sources?

Eating a plant-based diet is known to be beneficial to your health, but getting enough iron has always been a concern. Are animal- and plant-based iron sources the same?

The Broke Person’s Guide To Eating Clean

A diet rich in whole, organic food can be expensive. But with a few insider tips, you can have your vegan, organic, gluten-free cake and eat it too.

Laura Lynn Klein