Household Items That Could Be Deadly For Your Dog

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If you’re pro-canine, then you probably know not to give a dog chocolate—that one’s easy. But did you know there are plenty of other ways you might be risking the well-being of man’s four-legged best friend? Here are 18 things that could potentially endanger your pup.

Raw meat

Believe it or not, humans aren’t the only ones that “are susceptible to salmonella and other bacterial poisoning” after consuming uncooked meat. Dogs, as it happens, can also contract it when they eat uncooked meat.

So despite what old films might have you believe, it would be best to not let your dog chew on a piece of uncooked steak or any other type of uncooked meat.

Rawhide dog chews

Despite how much your dog might love chewing on these, they also pose a risk for Salmonella, along with other bacteria. The Daily Treat advises that you be sure to “monitor the storage, handout, use, and life of chews.”

Fabric softener sheets

Did you know that a) there are chemicals in these and b) that the sheets, as a consequence, aren’t good for your pup? Well, despite the inviting smell, which they might enjoy, you shouldn’t risk your dog getting near them, let alone attached to them.


While plenty of humans may need a cup of coffee just to endure the long day ahead, you should avoid letting your dog near it at all costs. The caffeine in coffee is just as toxic to canines as chocolate is:“caffeine and theobromine cause toxicosis” and they can lead to your dog not only seizing but going on to Doggy Heaven. No puppuccinos for your furry friend.


Though among the trendiest foods of our time, it’s safe to say that really, only humans should be consuming this delicious green fruit (yes, it’s a fruit). Why?

Well, the exact reason why is up for debate a bit, but as the Daily Treat says, “Even if the persin in avocados isn’t harmful to your dog, that big center seed is a choking hazard.” Persin , for the record, “is a fungicidal toxin.”

Though it doesn’t really affect us, it can pose a danger “when consumed by domestic animals in large quantities .”


While fruits are great and healthy for us humans to munch on, dogs don’t always have quite the same reactions that we do. This is especially true when it comes to grapes, which, if consumed, could lead to your dog enduring acute renal failure.

In case you’re thinking that raisins might be a suitable alternative that won’t lead to canine kidney failure, think again, because in reality, “they’re just dried up grapes, so they count too.”


You might very well have never considered feeding your dog an onion (or anything with onions), especially if you’re not a big fan yourself. Regardless, you should avoid feeding any sort of onion—raw or not, even onion powder—to your dog.

As it turns out, this flavorful, and notoriously potent, vegetable has the ability to “kill canine blood cells and resulting Heinz Body Anemia can be life-threatening.” So much for a healthy food, right?


While garlic isn’t as detrimental to dogs as its flavor-partner, the onion (and in fact, “small amounts may even appear in some dog foods”), if your dog is going to consume it, it has to be in moderation.

Otherwise, it can actually prove to be just as dangerous to them as onions. So as much as we might want to share the deliciousness of the spice with them, it’s really not worth the risk.

Macadamia nuts

Macadamia nuts may be the perfect—albeit pretty pricey—addition to your trail mix or white chocolate cookies, but dogs shouldn’t be let near them. They are said to be “particularly poisonous” to our innocent barking friends.

According to the ASPCA , they “can cause weakness, depression, vomiting, tremors and hyperthermia in dogs,” and these symptoms can last anywhere from 12 hours to two days. Ensure that you’ve thoroughly checked the ingredients for any and all food you might want to share with your hungry pup.


Though your dog might take a liking to Legos and other toys you have lying around the house, did you know that “dog toys are specific so that pieces aren’t swallowed or lodged in the throat?”

As such, if you’re giving your dog something to play with that wasn’t constructed for them or their size, such as “balls and other playtime pieces,” it could risk their lives. As a precaution, anything with tiny pieces should probably be kept away from where your dog could get it.


While potted plants can prove to be a lovely aesthetic addition to your home, “that beautiful smell or texture may tempt your [dog] to lick or nibble.”

In case you’re determined to have a plant in your home, these are just some of the plants you should have nowhere near your dog, no matter what: Aloe Vera, Jade, Ivy, Elephant Ear, Philodendron, and Corn Plant.

Chicken bones

Of course your dog can eat meat, but you need to ensure that no bones are left in the meat you serve them.

As it happens, “cooked bones of any kind may be brittle and hazardous,” but chicken bones in particular “can splinter and do all sorts of harm.” So be thorough and particular about the quality of meat you’re serving them.


While we’re sure you would probably never consider feeding your dog any batteries—at least we hope not—there is a risk of them eating them if they’re lying around on the floor or somewhere else accessible to your dog.

Avoid this at all costs though, as the acid in batteries can cause your dog to be stricken with “mouth ulcers, throat and stomach issues.” Again, anything small can pose a risk to your dog, so think twice the next time you’re about to leave small things on the floor.

Cleaning products

So long as you keep these high up where your dog can’t get to it, you’re probably fine, but if they do get into them, they can pose a real danger to your pup.


Similarly to the cleaning products, you should ensure that detergents are kept somewhere up high, as they “may have ulcerous and fatal consequences for your dog.”


Despite its misleading sweet smell, ensure that you aren’t fooled by antifreeze, as it could pose a truly deadly danger to your dog if consumed.

Heavy metals

In case there weren’t enough warnings about why small objects shouldn’t be left around your house, we have another for you. Did you know that pennies and paint chips, along with other things, could pose issues for your dog?

Specifically, make sure your dog avoids anything containing “lead and zinc [as they] can be toxic,” along with other heavy metals, as they can pose the same risk.


Before you go and let your dog try some of your (non-chocolate) candy, or even something freshly baked, beware of xylitol, which is “used as a sweeter in many products, including gum, candy, baked goods and toothpaste.” Not only can consumption of xylitol trigger an insulin release, which has the potential to actually lead to liver failure, but it could also result in hypoglycemia.

Your dog’s first symptoms of toxicosis could “include vomiting, lethargy and loss of coordination.” It might eventually lead to seizures, and “elevated liver enzymes and liver failure can be seen within a few days.”


While “the bait used in ant and roach traps might not be toxic,” there’s more to worry about, as your dog could be at risk of choking if they happen to swallow any of the traps used. On the other hand though, there are insecticides, such as those intended to get rid of snails, slugs, and flies, which could act as a poison for your dog.

Consider putting up a gate so that your dog can’t go wherever the traps are, or having someone dog-sit elsewhere until everything is safe for your pup again.

HealthyWay Staff Writer
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