Happy (Healthy) Holidays: Here’s How To Stay In The Moment This Holiday Season

The holidays don’t have to come with a side of stress. Here’s how to make your season merry and bright.

These Are The Most Common Thyroid Problems (And How To Manage Them)

One in eight women will develop a thyroid condition during her lifetime. Do you know the signs to look for?

Is Non-Hormonal Birth Control Right For You? And Do You Really Know What Your Options Are?

Today, birth control is about so much more than the pill. Here are your options for birth control without the hormones.

3 Winter Skin Woes To Watch Out For (And How To Protect Yourself)

Cooler temperatures, raging winds, and all that snow can spell trouble for your skin. Here’s how to keep yourself protected this year.

What’s It Like To Float In A Sensory Deprivation Tank? And Does Science Say You Should?

If you can’t find a minute of quiet in your day, it may be time to turn to the tank. Here’s why floating in dark silence might be a great option for you.

Need A Boost To Be Your Best Self? Here’s How To Increase Your Metabolism

Kicking your metabolism into high gear can help you lose weight and have more energy. Here’s everything you need to know about giving your body a boost.

Netflix And Chill Is So Over: Try These Stay-At-Home Date Ideas Instead

At-home dates can are an easy, cheap, and romantic way to reconnect. Why not give these ideas a try?

Does Oil Pulling Actually Work? What To Consider Before You Start Swishing

You brush and floss, but when was the last time that you spent 20 minutes swishing oil around your mouth? If your answer is “never,” it might be time to give oil pulling a try.

Kelly Burch

Kelly Burch is a freelance journalist who has written for The Washington Post, Cosmo, and more. She specializes in health and mental health content as well as stories about families. When she's not writing she is getting lost in the woods of New Hampshire, where she lives. Connect on Facebook or find out more at her website.