Can You Really Get Salma Hayek’s Toned Curves Without Exercising?

The actress says there's no space in her schedule for gym time--but still looks great. Is low-level muscle activation the key? (Answer: kind of.)

How to Beat the 21st-Century “Text Neck”

Science says that staring down at your smartphone is taking a serious toll on your neck and spine -- but reducing the damage is simpler than you think. Here's how.

The Importance of Having Body-Image Girl Crushes

As a culture, we can't seem to stop analyze and critiquing women's bodies -- which is a toxic habit, unless you can learn to restructure your thinking.

The Lazy Girl’s Guide to Strength-Training

Not only does muscle help you look leaner, but it helps you burn more calories whenever you hit the treadmill or elliptical; you can look lean without bulking up, and you don't need expensive weight equipment to gain some muscle mass.

In Defense Of Counting Calories

I've lived life both ways, counting calories and letting the chips fall where they may. And here's the sad fact: annoying as it is to get out my calorie-counting app after every food choice, it keeps me accountable.

PSA: In Dating, It’s Okay to Be Ridiculous

Dating. It's supposed to be "fun" and "exciting," right? Well, I'm here to applaud you for every last one of those so-called mistakes, mishaps and misfires. Here's why.

How to Motivate Yourself to Work Out–Even When You Don’t Feel Like It

The key to exercise consistency is crowding out those excuses with the right motivational system. Here are some ways you can get prompt yourself to hit the treadmill, trail, bike, or field. Really, it's not as hard as you think.

The Secret to Body Peace, No Matter Your Size or Shape or Age

You're beautiful, as is. It's not about looking perfect, or fitting into a certain number on the dress tag. It's about being healthy, being alive and being present in every moment.

Jenna Birch